Monday, January 14, 2008

Gardiner Christmas 2007

More than snowflakes and glühwein, the thing I like most about Winter is the annual Christmas party at my brother Michael & sister-in-law Debra's home. The following film clip shows some of the madness and mayhem that family gatherings ensure. And a little Absinth guarantees.

Michael explains why it's important to keep the noise down. He leads by example:

These photos tell the rest of the story.

Until next year, cheers!


Sara Kirby said...

I love all these money shots! Your new blog is brilliant and I am honored to be make reoccuring appearances!

You're trip to the Netherlands and Paris inspires me to...find a Sissy Boy of my own!

Congrats on the blog and keep up the photo snapping!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog content and of course your witty and entertaining writings. Please be sure to keep the stories, photos and videos coming. I can't get enough ... it's better than any reality TV show! Great idea and long overdue. Thanks also for restoring the clips. I'm waiting impatiently for the next exciting installment.

Just Mary said...

Let's just say we are all part of this family tree! I will bring an empty memory card to capture some great film myself next gathering!

Signed, the passionate sommelier sister

PS Who was that man I kissed? He's actually quite attractive!

Pam said...

Thanks! After some last minute edits I hope I can finally let this xmas posting rest in peace. What fun we had! I can't wait until next time.